Have you ever felt burnt out scrapbooking? Or have you wished you could scrap all day long and yet couldn’t find even a minute in an entire week! Capturing just one moment to pull out your supplies, spread them across the table and let your creative juices flow sometimes feels like such a chore.
I wonder how many other scrappers have felt the same. It seems I went an entire week trying to find just one half hour to work on my album and couldn’t find even half a minute! Before I knew it, a week had passed and I hadn’t even opened my album.
Even worse, I’ve been so busy with administrative tasks for Scrappingglitz that I’d been putting off for so long, they piled higher than my desk could handle. So although I was working in “scrapbooking,” I wasn’t actually scrappin’ anything.
Now, I’ve got that scrapper’s itch.
So, I’ve decided that I need to remove myself from all my daily chores and just relax at my mom's place breathe the fresh air and find that scrapper in me.
Then I’m going to race home, pull out some supplies and start scrappin’. It’s time to hit the reset button and get some new layouts going which i did. Yeay! I scrapped my mom's picture when she was in her 20's. How lovely! Using SG latest stash from Basic Grey called Wisteria.