Thursday, January 28, 2010

In dedication to the ladies of my life with current girl friend troubles

There was a time in my life when girl friends came first…before boys, before family, before me. i would do anything for my friends. In my eyes, they were my world and therefore i was a damn good friend. I was the friend who would fight if it meant having my friend’s back.

I was that friend…until those same “friends” broke my heart.

Girls can be deceiving, malicious, bitchy, jealous and if you’re like me then you’ve already learned the hard way. we can complain about it and wonder why we don’t have more girl friends but the fact is there will always be girls like that, no matter how old we get. so do we continue to bitch about it or learn from it?

Now...i want to be selective..i wanna let very few people in. i wanna trust little coz i cannot handle bullshit. if the friendship is one sided, i’m out! super needy friends make me vomit. crazies don’t have a place in my life. i hate liars and yes i judge.

sounds harsh, i know, but being this way protects my heart and allows me to eliminate those that fake the funk while holding on to the ones that matter. in the end, it's all about the friendships that will last forever...forever friends...even if it’s a select few.

real friends are better than more friends.

For my true know who you are...thank u for the friendship!


Jessy Christopher said...

Hey Nadhrah!! So sorry that u r going thru a rough time with ur friends. Yeah we have to be selective at times & I am sure there are better friends with good influence out there. Hugs!

Chowchow said...

Oh no babes. Hugs and may you have a better time soon.

Mazlina said...

yeah.. i agree with you.. have to be selective somtimes.. all the best dearie.. :)

Wati Basri said...

oh well dear..its part of life and you will be stronger later. take care!

TJ said...
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TJ said...

Yes, quality is always better than quantity. You go girl!

Lili Sulastri said...

Nadhrah, it's been ages seen I stop by your blog. I really like this dedication very much. I know how you feel about this kind of friendship for I've been there and I know what's it's like. Sometimes we just have to be selfish to survive. So always swim above the tide and you'll be fine. Take care love.