Waiting for "The Day" is not easy at all. I've been having contractions every now and then ....but the pain wasn't strong enough to get me going to the hospital. But last Friday i was having severe contractions for almost 1.5 hours but i still waited at home! Hehe...is not that i'm not panic...but true enough it is still a false alarm.
At this moment my baby is still in breech position and unlikely will turn. I have booked a date for my C-Sec and i should be in operating theatre at 2pm next Thursday. Phew...few more days to go and i'm very excited! Should i be scared? Hmm...err...maybe a little.
Even with the contractions, i decided to still scrap in between....not easy...coz i get very tired and irritated when i don't have the idea. I've been wanting to play with Basic Grey June Bug Collection. And yeay.....i finally finished it...and thot of sharing with you.