I was also stressed out at home handling domestic helper issues which never ends. I know that i'm not alone in this department but i hope one fine day i could fine a nice decent one who really wants to work with no hassle. Or maybe i shouldn't hope. Arrgghhhhh...sigh sigh sigh.
It took me 3 nights to finish this Scrap It Lah Challenge. This is the longest period that i took to complete just 1 page. But i'm happy, once i'm done with it, i can just go on and on and i finish another one! Yeay! and another Yeay because i managed to scrap Tihany's First Birthday picture.
Ohh..Tihany is already 1 year old and she has started walking now. Her steps are still wobbly, it will take sometimes before her legs get strong but she is certainly thriving each moments. Very very talkative...she's able to call me..."Ama" means Mama, "Yah" means Dad, "Abe" means "Brother" and "Ba" means "Bird"......hahahha...so cute.
Please head over to Scrap It Lah's blog for interesting challenge this month. You are required to scrap What is in your handbag? We thought it would be fun to document some day to day life scenarios and one of the things that we women can't do without is our handbags. We would like you to take a photo/photos of your handbag and the contents of it and scrap it into a layout for us this month.
Here is my take.....look at what i have in my bag! I'm a proud owner of Iphone 4! I queue for whole day just to get that phone....hahahaha...silly me right??

I'm also sharing with you another LO i made using Tihany's First Birthday Picture. Look at how happy she is ....Happy Birthday My Love.